Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hitting helicopters with tracer darts in BFBC2?

The AT-4 just is too hard to follow a chopper with while you aim the rocket mid-flight. I need some tips (if any exist) on how to hit a chopper with a tracer so I can lock on to it with a RPG or Carl Gustav rocket launcher. Anybody have any tips?Hitting helicopters with tracer darts in BFBC2?
I freaking hate this, especially when they fly so damn high! Hitting blackhawks are fairly easy though, because they fly low and slow. But your best chance would be to aim really far in front of a fast moving helicopter. If all else fails, use the VADS (that big-*** minigun)
It's all about timing really. Try playing as the recon and use bolt action sniper rifles. Try to hit moving targets. Remember, game is realistic so the bullet (same goes for tracer) cannot travel far, they'll eventually drop. Making a smart guess by moving slightly up, depending on the gun's power, will help you shoot far away targets more effectively. Distance also determines the time it takes for the bullet to hit the target, so when a target is moving, you have to predict where they are going. The further the target, the more away your cursor should be predicting where the target is moving; the closer the target, the closer the cursor. back to doesn't have a scope so I prefer to save the ammo for when the chopper is closer. Remember, it's easier to hit it when it's closer, even if you are risking your life for it, because if you hit it with a tracer, either you or one of your teammates will be able to take it out easily with the rpg + explosion upgrade. Hope this helped.Hitting helicopters with tracer darts in BFBC2?
Well, I play on PC and I find when they are slowing down for a missile strafe run, or turning around/hovering, taking out apaches can be simple, because they are basically sitting ducks. When they get real high up, they can be hard to shoot down. I recommend that you then shoot the dart far ahead of the chopper so it will hit it.

Blackhawks are easy to hit with tracers, slow and low = easy target.
You only have a 5% chance of hitting it while it's moving, but the chance increases exponentially when the helicopter is still. Pick your shots carefully.Hitting helicopters with tracer darts in BFBC2?
Time yourself.

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