Sunday, March 4, 2012

Why didn't my stats and exp transfer/save in BFBC2?

I just bought BFBC2. I played about 5 games and got up to level1 using only recon. I unlocked the next gun, the motion sensor, and the mortar. I exited the server and it said for my 'next unlock' and 'next level' that I hadn't unlocked anything or played at all! So I logged back into a different server, and it made me start over! Why did this happen, and how do I fix it?Why didn't my stats and exp transfer/save in BFBC2?
I have had that happen a few times. It always comes back to me if I restart the game. That's all I can recommend. It started when I tried Hardcore the first time and then when I tried to get back into normal matches. It also happened the game after I unlocked everything in the game. It's occasional for me, but if I restart the game it often works. Just eject and start over again, usually.

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