Saturday, March 10, 2012

Whats a better game Mw2 or Bfbc2?

I'm planning on buying a 1st person shooter but which one ?Whats a better game Mw2 or Bfbc2?
A lot of people are going to say MW2, but I'd have to say they are all high in my opinion. MW2 is FILLED with hackers and nothing but people with grenade launchers. They tend to ruin the game and make it such a 1D game it's unreal. MW2 would be good if it wasn't all about hacking and noob tubing. BFBC2 on the other hand doesn't have bad graphics as listed above, they're different and a lot of people like them better then any Call of Duty game. BF has a lot of teamwork incorporated in every game type. The game is a little harder to get into then CoD, but after you do it is so much fun to play. Also if you like sniping at all then you will love BF, because the bigger maps allow for better sniping and I have found it to be the best sniping game out there. Also if you do end up getting BFBC2 and have no one to play with then you could add me my GT is MY DeMoNz WaYz
Okay i think its safe to say that everyone would immediately say go with modern warfare 2 lol. Dont just go for it cuz its so popular. BFBC2 is a very underrated game. It is sooo unlike COD. The gameplay is much more raw, and real. Its not so planned out and choreographed. The environments shake, crumble, and burst apart all around you. You'll be safe in a secure building with your sniper rifle, but two seconds later some dick comes with an RPG and LITERALLY blows the building apart. This feeling of destructible environments makes the came very intense, and an ever-changing battlefield. The sound is simply PERFECT, PERFECT?!?!?! I have almost never heard better sound in a video game. the graphics are spectacular as well.

However, MW2 has an amazing campaign; despite its short length. The characters are really good, and so is the story. The multiplayer is, obviously, spectacular, and soooo many people play it. If you want a game with action-movie style moments and a crap-load of people playing online, COD is the way to go. BFBC2 is more of a modern-saving-private-ryan kind of feel.Whats a better game Mw2 or Bfbc2?
Agree with what Magnum Hanz said.
MW2 does have a better and longer campaign; BFBC2 campaign was somewhat too short and linear. However when it comes to multiplayer, bfbc2 would win hands down in my opinion.
You don't spawn right in front of an enemy, teamwork is involved rather than depending on your perks. ie: you can be the best killer in a game, but your team would still lose if there is no teamwork for objectives like capture the flag.
Destructible buildings and objects. See a camper hiding behind that wall? No problem, grab a rocket or grenade launcher and blast that wall to smithereens.
Huge maps with vehicles - Tanks, helicopters, quad bikes, hummer and many more.

@Nikola Mak: Ha! You darn sure there is no hackers in that game? I can bet most of the 10th prestige or whatever thing that is came from hacked game.

Edit : You might want to wait for BF3(or MW3 depending on your choice) though, they're coming out late this year.
MW2 - fast paced, lone wolf multiplayer gameplay, small maps (compared to BFBC2), play for a good K/D ratio, great campaign.

BFBC2 - slower paced, heavily team based, large maps, wins feel more rewarding, play for the objective, good campaign, very short. Just don't be a bush wookie.Whats a better game Mw2 or Bfbc2?

if i was you i would buy MW2 bcs it is fun and replayable. It has very good guns and lvls. It is good online such as online it has supeer graphics, good maps, no hackers ect

Bfbc2 is not that good. The missions are not bad. online is not that good. not good graphics. only there are vehcles .

I would personally get MW2 :D

please rate best answere have to lvl up. :)
Modern warfare 2 is an amazing! Amazing game, it's also fast and has a great online multiplayer, battle field is a bit slower but it's more teamed based, I profer MW2, black ops is amazing too
try the kitchen.

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